Your Credit Network has a new card for all you American Express card lovers out there. It is Clear from AMEX. This blog entry will cover the basics, and the rewards of this impressive new card.
Clear from AMEX Credit Card Basics
- No annual fee
- 14.24% Variable APR
- 4.99% introductory rate for balance transfers
- 0% introductory rate on purchases
- Rebate Rewards
American Express Offers Great Rewards With the Clear Card
This card is made for those who have good credit and are looking to earn some very easy rewards. American Express wants to reward you for being a great loyal customer with this credit card right for you. You can get a reward that is easy to use, and something you can use on what you want. You will not get a reward that you have to spend on a place they tell you to. Easy rewards are something we all want, isn't it? The rewards program includes:
- Cash rebate of 1% on all participating purchases
- Earn a $25 shopping card for every $2,500 spent
- Absolutely no fees!
- Emergency card replacement
Wait....no fees?? That is an amazing addition to a great rewards program. How often do you find yourself spending your money on little fees that do not make much sense? This eliminates those, and just gives you a good card with a great reward program. You also have one whole year to use the card until it expires. So there is no major rush to use it. There is also no annual limit to how many shopping cards you can earn, so do not worry about that. This card has everything you are looking for. A great reward program, and no fees! How can you not want to own one of these cards? Now you can see why this card is getting great reviews and becoming very popular.
See Clear With This Amazing Card!
Don't let other credit cards cloud your mind. You need to think Clear! It has to be important to get great rewards with a great credit card. This card allows you just that. Remember, no fees! That has got to be more appealing then other other thing. Because not only are you getting rewards, but you are saving money by not spending it on ridiculous fees and charges. Don't wait a minute longer. Apply now and start earning your great rewards, while having a solid credit card that you can be proud to own.
Additional Resources:
Trey Knox
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