If you are in school and would like the opportunity to begin building credit toward your financial future, the Bank of America Student Visa Platinum Plus credit card is just the tool you need to do it. This card is for students with very good credit who are looking for a good credit card with which to start out. In this post, we’ll give you some basic information about the card and why it’s right for you.
At a Glance: Bank of America Student Visa Platinum Plus Credit Card
- No co-signer required
- No annual fee
- Balance transfer/cash advance fee of 3% of each transaction
- Variable purchase APR of 19.24%
- Build good credit history
- Perfect for students at a college or university
- Platinum prestige
About the Card
The Bank of America Student Visa Platinum Plus Credit Card is for people over 18 years old who attend an accredited 2- or 4-year university at least part-time. For no annual fee, you can enjoy the prestige of carrying a platinum card and the chance to build your credit history. This card is meant for those with very good credit. No co-signer is required to qualify. The APR on purchases is 19.24%, which means this card is best-suited for people who plan to pay off their balances in full each month. The balance transfer APR is also 19.24%. For cash advances, you will pay an APR of 24.24%. The transaction fee for balance transfers and cash advances is 3% of each transaction.
Platinum Benefits
Because the Bank of America Student Visa Platinum Plus card is platinum card, you will enjoy the platinum-level benefits that accompany this status. You will have access to online banking services, which means you can check you balance and pay your bills conveniently from your computer. You will also enjoy Total Security Protection, which includes zero liability on unauthorized purchases as long as they are reported right away. Some of the other benefits you will receive include travel and emergency assistance, automatic auto rental insurance, purchase guard and replacement, additional cards for no extra charge, and cash advance checks for no additional charge.

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