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Credit Card Blog - Bank of America WorldPoints Platinum Plus Visa Card

 Friday, 23 March 2007

Bank of America World Points Platinum Visa

New to Your Credit Network is the Bank of America World Points Platinum Visa Credit Card from Bank of America. This blog will cover the basics of the card, its reward program and how it measures up when compared to other cards.

Bank of America World Points Card Basics

  • 0% introductory rate for the first 12 billing cycles on balance transfers and cash advance checks.
  • 13.99% APR, possible to have 7.9% APR depending on credit history.
  • No annual fee
  • No application fee
  • Point based rewards system

Bank of America World Points Card Reward Program

The Bank of America World Points Card offers a rewards program consistent with most cards issued by the Bank of America. For every dollar you spend on net retail purchases you get one reward point. Refunds, returns, money orders and other similar transactions are excluded because they are not net retail purchases. These rewards points can be used towards multiple things:

  • Cash redemption
  • Dining certificates
  • Brand name merchandise
  • Travel miles with no blackout dates

Those are just a few of the exciting things you can do with the rewards points you accumulate from this card. The card also offers a free 24/7 concierge service, complete fraud protection, one year additional warranty, travel accident insurance and car rental insurance.

Bank of America World Points Card Matches Up With the Rest

The Bank of America World Points Card is a solid card for those with good credit. The lack of an annual fee, application fee and low fixed APR for purchases and balance transfers qualifies this card as an exceptional addition to your current lines of credit. The card does lack an extraordinary benefits program found in some cards, instead opting to go with the generous rewards program. For those that qualify for the lowest rates and do not need much more than the a solid reward program this is not a bad card for you to own. There are other cards, however, that offer the same rates and reward programs and include extra benefits to which the rewards points can be used on as well.

Click here for a full review and credit card application for the WorldPoints Platinum Visa.

Jay Dobbins
Team Your Credit Network

Friday, 23 March 2007 18:02:08 (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)  #     
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