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Credit Card Blog - Bonus Increase – United Mileage Plus Signature Visa Card

 Friday, 12 January 2007

Chase has announced that they will be offering 20,000 bonus miles to United Mileage Plus Signature Visa Card applicants after their first purchase. This is an increase of 2,500 miles from their initial offering of 17,500 – as well as a free one class upgrade certificate which can also be used in place of a 1,000 mile bonus. Chase also offers insurance against accidents while traveling, lost luggage, and a vast array of other emergency assistance services, all for no additional charge,

In addition to this free bonus rewards increase, this airline credit card also offers a simple one miler per dollar reward program, with a 10 mile per dollar bonus if the card is used at certain restaurants and select retailers. If you love to fly United and you like the world-class customer service that is synonymous with Chase Bank, then this credit card is definitely for you.

Additional Resources:

Kimberly Carte
Team Your Credit Network

Friday, 12 January 2007 16:52:45 (GMT Standard Time, UTC+00:00)  #     
Airline | Credit Card Offer Changes | Chase  | 
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