Visa has come out with a great way to show off your team spirit with the NFL Extra Points Visa Card. Not only can you show off your loyalty to a particular NFL team by having their logo on your card, but you can also earn rewards while doing so. The only problem is: How do you redeem those points? First let's take a quick look back at how the card works.
The NFL Extra Points Card
For every dollar you spend using your Extra Points card from Visa, you get 1 point. These points can be used for a variety of things such as merchandise, collectibles, and once in a lifetime team experiences. Each reward is specific to the team of your choice. Your reward points are good for 5 years and there is no limit to how many points you can acquire. The team wants to show you that your faith in them is appreciated and needs to be rewarded.
How Do I Redeem Those Points?
First of all, do not go to the online NFL Shop, they will not accept rewards points and are not responsible for the redemption process. Some teams may have a web page on their main site about how to redeem these points, as well as a catalog of all the rewards that you can possibly achieve. For example, the Patriots rewards points can be redeemed here. This can often be found in their FAQs section. This also will be followed by a list of rules that you need to know about. You cannot transfer your points; you cannot buy points, and so on and so forth.
But, the best way to redeem your points is to go to the NFL Extra Points catalog site. It is nicely set up for you to sign in using your credit card information, so that you can find out the rewards and then obtain them. The front page even tells you exactly how many points you need to have for the experience you want to be a part of. They have everything from shirts to jerseys to tickets available for you to choose from.
To put it in simple terms, all you need to do is sign in to your account on the front page, and then search through the catalog for whatever you heart desires. You can even check your order status right on the page. It is set up very easy for you to follow!
The success of this program is overwhelming, and you do not want to miss your opportunity to get once in a lifetime rewards. Go ahead and check out what the NFL Extra Points Visa card can do for you.
Additional Resources:
Trey Knox
Team Your Credit Network